
Category : Photography

18 Mar 2016

Making of “Masks of Venice”

The water taxi bumped to a stop at the side entrance of Ca’ Gottardi, the wooden door swung open above us, a hand reached down, and a cheerful “Buon Giorno!” greeted us from inside. The tide was at ebb so we had to ungracefully clamber up to the floor at shoulder height. The motoscafo driver passed our luggage up and was quickly away. In a moment we found ourselves in the lobby of the hotel that would be our home for […]

28 Sep 2015

Fishermen of Inle

At 2900 feet elevation in the Shan Hills of Burma 150 miles southeast of Mandalay lies Inle Lake, and on its shores live the Intha people. The lake is shallow, and the Intha rely on that shallowness for both tomatoes and fish, the sources of their livelihood. They grow tomatoes on floating islands built from the muck and vegetation raked from the lake bottom, and they catch fish using a unique and photogenic combination of net, boat, and posture. During […]

15 May 2015

Sandpoint Magazine Article

When he was a young man, Alan Barber borrowed his father’s plane, a 1947 Aeronca Chief, and flew toward Barrow from his parents’ house in Fairbanks, Alaska. He was nineteen, home from the summer from University of Washington, where he was earning an electrical engineering degree.
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01 Feb 2015

A Week In Havana

“I must touch you here. Is OK?” asked the fetching Cuban officer in the arrival hall of Havana’s airport as she swept her hand toward my arms and chest. “Sì!”I replied without hesitation. I tried not to stare into her brown eyes as she ran her fingers across my upper body, gently probing my left chest for the implanted cardiac pacemaker which was the reason for my special attention. When she reached my belt line she used a handheld wand […]