
Category : Uncategorized

10 Apr 2020

The Ballerina and the Worm

My guy in Havana knows my taste in photography well, so when he suggested in December 2019 we take dancers to isa (rhymes with Lisa), I agreed. Cuba has loads of architecture, from grand colonial era stone structures to drab Soviet era slab sided apartment buildings. But here was something I never imagined existed in Cuba: sensuously curving walls, domed roofs like breasts pointed skyward, and a building snaking across the landscape like a worm. Nowhere was there a flat […]

27 Aug 2018

Portraits in Sandpoint

  With its mountains and lakes Sandpoint, Idaho, is a great destination for landscape shooting. I don’t usually shoot landscapes, but instead prefer environmental portraits—”a face in a place.” When the place is my home the possibilities are many, as I’ve only recently discovered despite living here for eighteen years. Here are my favorite places, all but one within a mile of downtown. These photos are intended for inspiration not direction, so I’ve included gps coordinates—Google Maps or Earth will […]

27 Sep 2016

Mahoney Creek Remembered

The yellow wind sock briefly appeared and disappeared from view high on the brushy hillside above us as I lay against the warm rubber of the raft, drifting downstream and remembering. It marked a simple gravel airstrip alongside the middle fork of Idaho’s Salmon River and I was remembering the last time I was in this place, over a half century earlier. Mahoney Creek is deep in Idaho’s “primitive area,” still accessible only by air. The deer hunting is magnificent […]

18 Mar 2016

Making of “Masks of Venice”

The water taxi bumped to a stop at the side entrance of Ca’ Gottardi, the wooden door swung open above us, a hand reached down, and a cheerful “Buon Giorno!” greeted us from inside. The tide was at ebb so we had to ungracefully clamber up to the floor at shoulder height. The motoscafo driver passed our luggage up and was quickly away. In a moment we found ourselves in the lobby of the hotel that would be our home for […]